NIO Self-defense classes: A fusion of : Wing Chun Karate Aikido to enable you to get stronger, fitter, and more confident Learning Objectives: Principles of self-defense How to stand up for your self When to avoid confrontation When to turn to someone for help What you will get: A challenging and fun experience Social and friendly environme build self-confidence build strength improve your fitness increase strength naturally

NIO Self-Defence Classes (NSDC)
@ Beacon Climbing Lecture Room

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NIO Gateway to Health and Fitness-

Why not incorporate fitness into your health plan, program or routine and take up self-defense classes. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) advocates a healthy diet and lifestyle and physical cultivation by nurturing one's nature and cultivating health in body, mind, and spirit. Living a healthy lifestyle requires getting the correct balance between activity (work) and relaxation (leisure). It requires living in harmony with our bodies and natural circadian rhythm by regulation of Yin and Yang. It is fundamental to protecting health or Qi or vital energy.  

Please always get checked out by your local GP in annual well-checks, especially before engaging in a new physical activity. Health preservation could be considered the highest form of medicine.





NIO Self-Defence Classes @ Beacon Climbing Centre Lecture Room, Caernarfon

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Nio Self-Defence Classes (NSDC)

Beginners Classes

These self-defense classes are tailored particularly for women. To help develop self-confidence: The ability to physically protect oneself with a specific focus on the more vulnerable areas. Wing Chun is a system of self-defense created by Shaolin nun Wu Mei. She developed this system after realising that the majority of the Shaolin kung fu techniques were useless for smaller individuals to defend against much larger men. 

"I am woman, hear me roar!" - Helen Reddy

Advanced Classes

 Self-defense classes for the keener and more discerning martial artists amongst us. For developing skills and application of techniques to take your training to the next level.

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A challenging and fun experience in a Social

& friendly environment

Mind Body and Spirit Training   

  • Learn Focus and Relaxed Awareness
  • Get Fitter & Stronger
  • Grow in Self-Confidence
  • Learn how to Stay Calm
  • Relieve Stress & Anxiety


Common Sense


(The ABCDs of Self-defence) 

  • Practical Self-Defence Techniques

  • Strategies and Tactics for keeping safe

  • Principles of self-defense

  • What you need to know

  • How to stand up for yourself

  • How to avoid Confrontation

  • When to turn to someone for help

The Ten Commandments 

The basic tenets of NSDC to live by


  • Train with purpose
  • Extract what is useful and discard what is useless
  • Not all battles are won physically, but mentally too
  • Compete against yourself as there is always someone better 
  • Objectives are the key to achieving goals and staying focused
  • Master your own body, mind, and spirit
  • Move like water and prepare to adapt and change
  • Always express yourself 
  • Never give up, just find a better way
  • Develop gradually (evolve) your strategy to reach success
  • Maneuvere yourself into an advantageous position 
  • Empty your mind and become open to new possibilities
  • Negotiate/compromise by seeking a path of least resistance
  • Train smart, and your hard work will pay off.
  • Secure for yourselves effective tactics that lead inexorably to success

These principles will serve you well and instill confidence, maintain morale and encourage those around you. They will help foster a sense of community, cooperation, and teamwork. Not doing these things is your enemy and will ultimately result in self-defeat. 


Arran has studied and trained hard in MAs and other related sports such as boxing for many years. His main disciplines are Karate, Aikido, Wing Chun, and Kung Fu. Arran has always been fascinated by the science of movement. He continues to explore the boundaries of sports physiology in martial arts and other sports, such as climbing, gymnastics, Swimming, fell-running, weight lifting, and calisthenics. He has also sought ways to adapt these activities into functional and practical movements by tailoring them to his requirements, fit for purpose, and enhancing his athletic performance.

Arran's philosophy is to train intelligently. To this end, he focuses on form and technique in practical terms of the biomechanics of motion. 

"Mixing it up has always helped me not become static in my Martial arts training," says Arran. "I don't wish to have a mental set when it comes to martial arts but seek out alternative or better solutions by cognitive or mental flexibility."

"It helps me to be flexible in my approach to training, in addition to helping me to understand more complex concepts in martial arts that would otherwise take me many years or decades through the usual channels." I study health, medicine, and physio intensively. My professional career is Acupuncture and manual therapy, which I am now branching out into fitness as a possible career. Due to my ongoing education and hard work in training, I am well equipped to understand the finer points of martial arts necessary to master its inherently subtle nuances, specific or complicated details.


Arran has studied, trained, and researched many forms of martial arts. He trained in Wing Chun under the Ip Man lineage. He has penned his experiences to paper in notes containing his stream of consciousness in doodles, jottings and scribbles, and illustrations. Through this method, Bruce Lee who trained with Ip man personally, eventually formulated a tailored training system called 'Jeet Kune Do,' or 'Way of the Intercepting fist.' This method is akin to how many ancient masters have sought to preserve and pass down their knowledge in martial arts manuals containing specific instructions with or without illustrations handing down the baton from generation to generation. The instructions were often adapted and refined to fit for purpose.

Arran has incorporated evidence-based research skills into his studies of martial arts. Arran utilizes a scientific approach to effectively learning martial arts. He achieves this by employing diverse learning formats, such as video and narrative or visual and written, AKA known as dual coding. He also uses interleaving learning, such as learning mixed or varied martial arts training to expand his knowledge and deepen his understanding. Knowing multiple martial arts has also enabled me to compare and contrast using examples and rule learning. It also eliminates some of the status quo bias, says Arran. I work off principles or rules. Fighting for me is like the KISS acronym, a design principle developed by the United States navy in 1960. It stands for 'keep it simple, soldier.' For a technique to work effectively, it needs to be kept simple. 
Only through diligence and critical praxis is indelibly etching techniques into your subconscious mind a possibility. Only then will they become second nature and reactional. They need to be reactional to be effective. Refreshing the memory using learning techniques such as spaced repetition will allow the retention of less demanding concepts and room for developing more complex ones.

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